Chemical Hazard and Toxicity Information

NC State University Safety Data Sheets (SDS) Management System
Material safety data sheets contain information on chemical and physical properties; health, fire, and reactivity hazards; environmental and regulatory requirements; spill and disposal procedures; first aid recommendations; and storage and handling for chemical products.

Searches across databases on toxicology, hazardous chemicals, environmental health, and toxic releases.

CompTox Chemicals Dashboard
Developed by the EPA, this dashboard provides access to chemical structures, experimental and predicted physicochemical data, and toxicity data.

Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials
Contains regulatory information and data on toxicology, flammability, reactivity, and explosive potential for commercial substances.

Merck Index
Encyclopedia of chemicals, drugs, and biologicals.

Dictionary of Substances and Their Effects (DOSE) 
Contains approximately 5,300 chemicals and their impact on the environment. Detailed information about the toxicity of the chemicals, physical properties and regulatory requirements is also presented.

Toxicology Databases