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Search for Soil Orders - The top results (relevance sort) are listed below:
NC OneMap7 Results beginning with...
  • NC Parcels - Transformation Dates - Internal Review
  • NC Parcels - Transformation Dates
  • NC OneMap Parcels with Statewide Standardized Attributes

  • \"ArcGISEsri Maps & Data Group (Recommended for Layer Package downloads)
    0 Results
    All ArcGIS Online content
    2721 Results beginning with...
  • World Soil Groups - World Reference Base (WRB)
  • Canada's Soil Orders (Deprecated)
  • Soil Orders of Canada

  • \"\"448 Results beginning with...
  • Climate Forecast System Version 2 (CFSv2) Operational Forecasts
  • Louisville Metro KY - Animal Service Intake and Outcome
  • NYSERDA 2023 Soils Data for use in the Large-Scale Renewables and NY-Sun Programs

  • NCSU Data Collection

    [ Hide Hide ] Possible Related Terms:
    Administrative Boundaries, Boundaries, General Soils Map, Geochemistry, Land Capability, Land Use And Land Cover (LULC), Mines And Mineral Resources, National Resources Inventory, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Natural Resources Inventory (NRI), Sediment, Soil And Water Conservation Districts, Soil Degradation, Soil Moisture, Soils, Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Database, Soil Surveys, Soil Temperature, State Soil Geographic, State Soil Geographic (STATSGO), Surface Mining, Weather

    Important Legacy denotes outdated data. A more recent version likely exists. Consider an "External Data Source" option linked above, or click the Collection link for updated source options.
    TitleDateSorted in Descending OrderCollectionExtentScaleMD
    Soils Data Sourcesvaries Soils Data SourcesMultiple  Metadata Link
    AgNet: Soil Temperature
    2001 AgnetNorth Carolina   
    State Climate Office: Soil Moisture
    2001 State Climate OfficeNorth Carolina   
    State Climate Office: Soil Temperature
    2001 State Climate OfficeNorth Carolina   
    Cooperative Summary of the Day: Maximum Soil Temperature
    2001 NCDC Cooperative SummaryUnited States   
    Cooperative Summary of the Day: Minimum Soil Temperature
    2001 NCDC Cooperative SummaryUnited States   
    Cooperative Summary of the Day: Soil Temperature at Observation Time
    2001 NCDC Cooperative SummaryUnited States   
    NRCS: Soil and Water Conservation District Boundaries
    1999 United States 1:100,000 Metadata Link
    Soils - Generalized
    1998 NC OneMap - 3/12/2007North Carolina 1:250000 Metadata Link
    EPA BASINS: State Soil Geographic (STATSGO) Database for CONUS, Alaska, and Hawaii
    1998 EPA BASINSUnited States 1:250,000 Metadata Link
    ArcUSA 1:2M: Environmental Attributes
    1992 ArcUSAUnited States 1:2,000,000  
    ArcUSA 1:2M: Environmental Attributes
    1992 ArcUSAUnited States 1:2,000,000  
    GEO-3: Human Induced Soil Degradation
    1990 GEO-3World 1:10,000,000 Metadata Link
    UNEP GRID: Global Assessment of Human Induced Soil Degradation Digital Database
    1990 UNEP GRIDWorld 1:15,000,000 Metadata Link
    UNEP GRID: Global Assessment of Human Induced Soil Degradation Digital Database
    1990 UNEP GRIDWorld 1:15,000,000 Metadata Link
    CGIA: Soils, Detailed County Surveys198? - 200? CGIANorth Carolina 1:24,000  
    CGIA: Soils, NC Generalized1988 CGIANorth Carolina 1:250,000 Metadata Link
    UNEP GRID: Soil Map of the European Communities
    1985 UNEP GRIDEurope 1:15,000,000 Metadata Link
    Mineral Resources: Soil Chemistry
    1981 United States 1:2,000,000 Metadata Link

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