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Search for Marine Life - The top results (relevance sort) are listed below:
NC OneMap6 Results beginning with...
  • Estuarine Benthic Habitat Mapping Areas (Iteration 2)
  • Estuarine Benthic Habitat Mapping Areas (Iteration 1)
  • FWS HQ ES National Wetlands Inventory - Wetlands

  • \"ArcGISEsri Maps & Data Group (Recommended for Layer Package downloads)
    0 Results
    All ArcGIS Online content
    3899 Results beginning with...
  • Marine Life Protection Act Study Regions - R7 - CDFW [ds3178]
  • Marine Protected Area KG copy
  • 30x30 Conserved Areas, Marine

  • \"\"1130 Results beginning with...
  • TRACI Spatial Eutrophication Characterization Factors_2020-10
  • Dams
  • Hawaii Volcanism: Impact on the Environment

  • NCSU Data Collection

    [ Hide Hide ] Possible Related Terms:
    Aquatic Life, Artificial Marine Reefs, Biodiversity, Biota, Boundaries, Buildings, Bus Terminals, Closed Shellfish Harvesting Areas, Coastal Resources, Coastlines, Coasts, Commercial Marine Vessel Emissions, Critical Habitats, Ecological Zones, Ecoregions, Ecosystems, Estuarine Life, Evolution, Global 200, Global Rarity, Habitat, Industrial Facilities Reporting Pollutants, Land Use And Land Cover (LULC), Marine Mammals, Marine Sanctuaries, Marine Terminals, National Marine Sanctuaries, Navigable Waterways, North American Environmental Atlas, Ocean Floor, Oceans, Polygons, Ports, Regulatory Boundaries, Shellfish, Shellfish Harvesting Areas, Species Endemism, Species Richness, Train Stations, Transportation, Transportation Terminals, Water Pollution, Watersheds

    Important Legacy denotes outdated data. A more recent version likely exists. Consider an "External Data Source" option linked above, or click the Collection link for updated source options.
    TitleSorted in Ascending OrderDateCollectionExtentScaleMD
    AMTRAK Stations (layer)
    2006 ESRI® Data & Maps 2006United States, Puerto Rico 1:100,000 Metadata Link
    Bus Stations (layer)
    2006 ESRI® Data & Maps 2006United States, Puerto Rico 1:100,000 Metadata Link
    CA&DS Framework: National Marine Sanctuaries (NMS)
    1999 Sub-United States 1:2,000,000  
    CGIA: Artificial Marine Reefs
    1989 CGIASub-North Carolina 1:100,000 Metadata Link
    CGIA: Closed shellfish harvesting areas
    2004 BasinPro 8North Carolina 1:24,000 Metadata Link
    CGIA: Conditionally approved shellfish areas
    2004 BasinPro 8North Carolina 1:24,000 Metadata Link
    East Coast Sediment Analysis: Marine Geographic Areas
    2000 East Coast Sediment AnalysisSub-United States 1:1,000,000 Metadata Link
    ESI: Marine Mammals
    2000 ESISub-North Carolina 1:24,000 Metadata Link
    ESRI: U.S. GDT Transportation Terminals
    2004 ESRI® Data & Maps 2004United States, Puerto Rico 1:100,000 Metadata Link
    ESRI: World Wildlife Fund Marine Ecoregions
    2004 ESRI® Data & Maps 2004World 1:50,000,000 Metadata Link
    Hydrologic Unit Boundaries - Southern Virginia - Line
    1990 NC OneMap - 3/12/2007southern Virginia  Metadata Link
    Hydrologic Unit Boundaries - Southern Virginia - Polygon
    1990 NC OneMap - 3/12/2007southern Virginia  Metadata Link
    Marine Biomes (layer)
    2006 ESRI® Data & Maps 2006World 1:50,000,000 Metadata Link
    North American Environmental Atlas: Pollution and WasteDates Vary North American Environmental AtlasNorth America 1:10,000,000 Metadata Link
    OPIS: Artificial Reefs of Georgia and South Carolina (Rivers and Harbor Act) - 1998
    1998 Ocean GISSub-United States 1:2,000,000 Metadata Link
    OPIS: Florida Artificial Reefs
    1998 Ocean GISSub-United States 1:2,000,000 Metadata Link
    OPIS: National Marine Sanctuary Boundaries for the Southeast U.S. - 1998
    1998 Ocean GISSub-United States 1:2,000,000 Metadata Link
    OPIS: North Carolina Artifical Reefs
    1998 Ocean GISSub-United States 1:2,000,000 Metadata Link
    OPIS: Spatial Extent of Annex V, Marine Plastics Pollution Research and Control Act (MARPOL) for the Southeast U.S. - 1998
    1998 Ocean GISSub-United States 1:2,000,000 Metadata Link
    OPIS: Spatial Extent of the Marine Mammal Protection Act in the Southeast U.S. - 1998
    1998 Ocean GISSub-United States 1:100,000 Metadata Link
    U.S. Transportation Terminals
    2006 ESRI® Data & Maps 2006United States 1:100,000 Metadata Link
    UNEP GRID: Holdridge Life Zones (Ecologic Zones)
    1990 UNEP GRIDWorld 1:15,000,000 Metadata Link
    World Wildlife Fund Marine Ecoregions
    2006 ESRI® Data & Maps 2006World 1:50,000,000 Metadata Link

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