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Search for Canoeing - The top results (relevance sort) are listed below:
NC OneMap0 Results
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3262 Results beginning with...
  • Indiana Canoe & Kayak Rentals
  • Canoe_routes_2014_JW
  • The History of Maine Canoe Routes

  • \"\"57 Results beginning with...
  • Bathymetry of the Grand Calumet River, Indiana-Illinois, 2017
  • Annual Channel Geomorphology Cross-Section Surveys 2005-2012 in Roanoke, Virginia
  • Data Release: Germination and growth of Montezuma cypress (Taxodium mucronatum) from the Nazas River to experimental salinity treatments

  • NCSU Data Collection

    [ Hide Hide ] Possible Related Terms:
    Coastal Recreation, Ecotourism, Kayaking, Paddling Trails, Trails, Vacations, Water Trails

    Important Legacy denotes outdated data. A more recent version likely exists. Consider an "External Data Source" option linked above, or click the Collection link for updated source options.
    TitleDateCollectionExtentScaleSorted in Ascending OrderMD
    CGIA: Paddling Trails
    2004 BasinPro 8North Carolina 1:24,000 Metadata Link
    Paddle Trails - Line
    2001 NC OneMap - 3/12/2007North Carolina 1:24000 Metadata Link
    Paddle Trails - Point
    2001 NC OneMap - 3/12/2007North Carolina 1:24000 Metadata Link

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