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External Data Sources
Search for "Well Sites" - The top results (relevance sort) are listed below:
NC OneMap30 Results beginning with...
  • Manufactured Gas Plant Sites
  • North Carolina One-Stop Voting Sites
  • NC One-Stop Voting Sites (point feature class)

  • \"ArcGISEsri Maps & Data Group (Recommended for Layer Package downloads)
    0 Results
    All ArcGIS Online content
    604 Results beginning with...
  • Well Sites
  • DOGGR All Wells Database - Generalized 1 mile
  • Water Well Site Location_Public

  • \"\"59 Results beginning with...
  • DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Key well sites
  • Characterizing favourable structural settings of geothermal reservoirs in extensional regions: Enhanced exploration strategies
  • Description of groundwater monitoring wells installed at and near Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2013-2016

  • NCSU Data Collection

    [ Hide Hide ] Possible Related Terms:
    Drinking Water, Inland Waters, Public Water Supply, Source Water, Wells

    Important Legacy denotes outdated data. A more recent version likely exists. Consider an "External Data Source" option linked above, or click the Collection link for updated source options.

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