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Search for Vegetation - The top results (relevance sort) are listed below:
NC OneMap4 Results beginning with...
  • Latest Orthoimagery - NDVI
  • Imagery-Education
  • Announcements

  • \"ArcGISEsri Maps & Data Group (Recommended for Layer Package downloads)
    0 Results
    All ArcGIS Online content
    10000 Results beginning with...
  • PARKS - Vegetation Surveys
  • DCM North Carolina Pre-Project Vegetation Line (Points)
  • Vegetation - Delta Vegetation and Land Use Update - 2016 [ds2855]

  • \"\"8363 Results beginning with...
  • Fruit and Vegetable Prices
  • Alzheimer's Disease and Healthy Aging Data
  • Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity - Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System

  • NCSU Data Collection

    [ Hide Hide ] Possible Related Terms:
    Africanized Honeybee, Albedo, Amphibians, Avian Botulism, Avian Cholera, Avian Lead Poisoning, Bats, Biology, Birds, Buildings, Butterflies, Chinese Privet, Climate, Common Grouse, Cultivation Intensity, Ecoregions, Fire, Forests, Infrastructure, Invasive Species, Landsat Thematic Mapper, Land Use And Land Cover (LULC), Leafy Spurge, Moths, National Atlas, National Fire Plan, National Parks, NC State, NC State Campus, Parking Lots, Planimetrics, Purple Loosestrife, Rangelands, Recreation Areas, Shellfish, Tallowtree, Trees, Tundra, Utilities, Vegetation Cover, West Nile Virus, Wildlife Mortality, Zebra Mussel

    Important Legacy denotes outdated data. A more recent version likely exists. Consider an "External Data Source" option linked above, or click the Collection link for updated source options.
    TitleDateCollectionExtentScaleSorted in Ascending OrderMD
    NCSU Campus: All Trees
    2007 NCSU Campus DataNCSU Campus   
    Raleigh Planimetrics
    2007 Raleigh CityRaleigh, North Carolina NULL Metadata Link
    Raleigh Planimetrics
    2006 Raleigh CityRaleigh, North Carolina NULL Metadata Link
    Great Smoky Mountains NP: Vegetation
    1988 Sub-North Carolina 1:24,000 Metadata Link
    Climate Atlas: Vegetation Cover
    2000 Climate AtlasConterminous United States 1:1,000,000  
    DCW: Vegetation Layer - By 5 Degree Tile
    1993 Digital Chart of the WorldWorld 1:1,000,000  
    DCW: Vegetation Layer - By Country
    1993 Digital Chart of the WorldWorld 1:1,000,000  
    National Atlas: Biology DataDates Vary National AtlasUnited States Varies Metadata Link
    UNEP GRID: Natural Vegetation Map of the European Communities and the Council of Europe
    1987 UNEP GRIDEurope 1:3,000,000 Metadata Link
    ArcAtlas: Vegetation
    1996 ArcAtlasWorld 1:11,000,000  
    UNEP GRID: NOAA/GVI Eight-Year (1983-1990) Mean Maximum (5 Categories)
    1991 UNEP GRIDWorld 1:15,000,000 Metadata Link
    UNEP GRID: NOAA/GVI Eight-Year (1983-1990) Mean Maximum (10 Categories)
    1991 UNEP GRIDWorld 1:15,000,000 Metadata Link
    GEO-3: Matthews Vegetation
    1983 GEO-3World 1:15,000,000 Metadata Link
    UNEP GRID: Major Ecosystem Complexes (Olson Vegetation, Polygon)
    1983 UNEP GRIDWorld 1:15,000,000 Metadata Link
    UNEP GRID: Major Ecosystem Complexes (Olson Vegetation, Image)
    1983 UNEP GRIDWorld 1:15,000,000 Metadata Link
    UNEP GRID: Matthews Vegetation, Cultivation Intensity and Albedo
    1983 UNEP GRIDWorld 1:15,000,000 Metadata Link

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