GIS Lookup: Keyword Search

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External Data Sources
Search for "State Forests" - The top results (relevance sort) are listed below:
NC OneMap255 Results beginning with...
  • North Carolina State Demographer Data
  • State and Local Government GIS Metadata Profile
  • North Carolina Cycle 4 Project Areas

  • \"ArcGISEsri Maps & Data Group (Recommended for Layer Package downloads)
    0 Results
    All ArcGIS Online content
    3588 Results beginning with...
  • State forest campgrounds and forest boundaries
  • State Forest Campground Recreation Search Points
  • State Forest Boundary Public View

  • \"\"135 Results beginning with...
  • Washington Elk Colockum Migration Routes
  • Inventory of online public databases and repositories holding agricultural data in 2017
  • Post Fire Inventory and Assessment Files for 2015 Slide Fire

  • NCSU Data Collection

    [ Hide Hide ] Possible Related Terms:
    Ballfields, Beach Access, Boating Access Areas, City Parks, Correctional Facilities, County Parks, Environment, National Forests, National Guard Armory Facilities, National Parks, Nature Trails, Open Spaces, Parks, Playgrounds, Polygons, Public Property, State Complexes, State Maintenance Yards, State Natural Areas, State Ownership, State Parks, State Property, State Research Facilities, Trails

    Important Legacy denotes outdated data. A more recent version likely exists. Consider an "External Data Source" option linked above, or click the Collection link for updated source options.
    TitleDateSorted in Descending OrderCollectionExtentScaleMD
    State-Owned Lands
    2008 North Carolina varies - see metadata Metadata Link
    State-Owned Complexes
    2007 North Carolina varies - see metadata Metadata Link
    State-owned Complexes
    2006 NC OneMap - 3/12/2007North Carolina  Metadata Link
    U.S. Parks
    2006 ESRI® Data & Maps 2006United States, Puerto Rico 1:100,000 Metadata Link
    Parks (Detailed) (layer)
    2006 ESRI® Data & Maps 2006United States, Puerto Rico 1:100,000 Metadata Link
    Parks (layer)
    2006 ESRI® Data & Maps 2006United States 1:500,000 Metadata Link
    U.S. Major Parks
    2006 ESRI® Data & Maps 2006United States 1:500,000 Metadata Link
    ESRI: U.S. GDT Park Landmarks
    2004 ESRI® Data & Maps 2004United States, Puerto Rico 1:100,000 Metadata Link
    ESRI: U.S. Parks
    2004 ESRI® Data & Maps 2004United States 1:500,000 Metadata Link
    ESRI Data: U.S. GDT Park Landmarks
    2000 United States 1:100,000 Metadata Link
    ESRI Data: U.S. Parks
    2000 United States 1:500,000 Metadata Link
    CGIA: Recreation Projects (Land and Water Conservation Fund)
    1996 CGIANorth Carolina 1:24,000 Metadata Link

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