GIS Lookup: Keyword Search

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External Data Sources
Search for "Interstate Highways" - The top results (relevance sort) are listed below:
NC OneMap2 Results
  • 2010 Census Tracts
  • Law Enforcement Locations

  • \"ArcGISEsri Maps & Data Group (Recommended for Layer Package downloads)
    3 Results
  • USA Interstate Highway and Freeway System
  • USA Freeway System
  • USA Freeway System

  • All ArcGIS Online content
    1816 Results beginning with...
  • FY2010 Interstate Highways
  • FY2019 Interstate Highways
  • FY2020 Interstate Highways

  • \"\"158 Results beginning with...
  • TIGER/Line Shapefile, 2019, nation, U.S., Primary Roads National Shapefile
  • TIGER/Line Shapefile, 2023, Nation, U.S., Primary Roads
  • Traffic Crashes - Crashes

  • NCSU Data Collection

    [ Hide Hide ] Possible Related Terms:
    Arteries, Express Highway Exits, Express Highways, Federal Highways, HAZUS, Highways, Interstate Transportation Network, Major Highways, Major Roads, Roads, Road System, Routes, State Highways, Transportation, Unimproved Roads, Urban Areas

    Important Legacy denotes outdated data. A more recent version likely exists. Consider an "External Data Source" option linked above, or click the Collection link for updated source options.
    TitleSorted in Ascending OrderDateCollectionExtentScaleMD
    ArcUSA 1:25M: Roads
    1992 ArcUSAUnited States 1:25,000,000  
    ArcUSA 1:2M: Roads
    1992 ArcUSAUnited States 1:2,000,000  
    ArcUSA 1:2M: Roads
    1992 ArcUSAUnited States 1:2,000,000  
    CGIA: Interstate highways
    2004 BasinPro 8North Carolina unspecified Metadata Link
    CGIA: Primary roads
    2004 BasinPro 8North Carolina unspecified Metadata Link
    CGIA: Primary Roads
    1993 CGIANorth Carolina 1:126,720 Metadata Link
    Dynamap/2000: Exits
    1999 Dynamap/2000North Carolina 1:100,000  
    ESRI Data: U.S. National Transportation Atlas Interstate Highways
    2000 United States 1:250,000 Metadata Link
    ESRI: U.S. National Transportation Atlas Interstate Highways
    2004 ESRI® Data & Maps 2004United States 1:250,000 Metadata Link
    HAZUS: Highway Segments
    2005 HAZUS-MH 1.1United States, Puerto Rico - data for some states may not be available  Metadata Link
    U.S. National Transportation Atlas Interstate Highways
    2006 ESRI® Data & Maps 2006United States 1:250,000 Metadata Link
    Wessex Streets 4.0: Interstates
    1995 TIGER 95United States 1:100,000 Metadata Link

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