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Search for Agriculture - The top results (relevance sort) are listed below:
NC OneMap3 Results
  • Log Into North Carolina (LINC)
  • Eastern North Carolina 2014-2015 LiDAR Derived 20ft Resolution Canopy Height
  • Announcements

  • \"ArcGISEsri Maps & Data Group (Recommended for Layer Package downloads)
    5 Results beginning with...
  • USA State Boundaries
  • USA County Boundaries
  • USA Counties

  • All ArcGIS Online content
    10000 Results beginning with...
  • USDA Census of Agriculture 2022 - All
  • Agricultural Inspection Stations
  • Voluntary Agricultural Districts

  • \"\"5961 Results beginning with...
  • Fruit and Vegetable Prices
  • Food Price Outlook
  • Farmers Markets Directory and Geographic Data

  • NCSU Data Collection

    [ Hide Hide ] Possible Related Terms:
    Age (Population), Agribusiness, Agricultural Inventory, Agriculture Census, Animal Operations, Animals, Cattle, Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO), Confined Animal Operations, Countries, Crime, Crops, Crop Yield, Cultivation Intensity, Employment, European Union, Farming, Farm Products, Farm Product Value, Farms, Farm Sales, Fish Hatcheries, Food And Agriculture Organization (FAO), Forests, HAZUS, Health, Horses, Housing, Income (Population), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), International Bank For Reconstruction And Development (IBRD), International Monetary Fund (IMF), Land Use And Land Cover (LULC), Lava Flows, Mines And Mineral Resources, National Atlas, Natural Resources, Organization Of The Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), Permitted Activity Sites, Political Organization Memberships, Population, Poultry, Race/Ethnicity, Salt Pans, Society, Swine, Unconsolidated Materials, United Nations Educational, Scientific And Cultural Organization (UNESCO), United Nations General Assembly, Wetlands, World Health Organization (WHO), World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

    Important Legacy denotes outdated data. A more recent version likely exists. Consider an "External Data Source" option linked above, or click the Collection link for updated source options.
    TitleDateCollectionExtentScaleSorted in Ascending OrderMD
    World Country Memberships of Political Organizations (table)
    2006 ESRI® Data & Maps 2006World  Metadata Link
    HAZUS: Agricultural Inventory
    2005 HAZUS-MH 1.1United States, Puerto Rico - data for some states may not be available   
    NC Animal Operation Permits
    2003 NULLNorth Carolina NULL Metadata Link
    HAZUS: Agricultural Product Inventory
    1999 HAZUSUnited States   
    CGIA: Locations of swine lagoons
    2004 BasinPro 8North Carolina 1:24,000 Metadata Link
    DCW: Land Cover Layer (Polygon) - By 5 Degree Tile
    1993 Digital Chart of the WorldWorld 1:1,000,000  
    DCW: Land Cover Layer (Polygon) - By Country
    1993 Digital Chart of the WorldWorld 1:1,000,000  
    National Atlas: Agriculture DataDates Vary National AtlasUnited States Varies Metadata Link
    ArcUSA 1:2M: Agricultural Product Inventory (State)
    1992 ArcUSAUnited States 1:2,000,000  
    ArcUSA 1:2M: Agricultural Product Inventory (County)
    1992 ArcUSAUnited States 1:2,000,000  
    ArcUSA 1:2M: Agricultural Product Market Value (State)
    1992 ArcUSAUnited States 1:2,000,000  
    ArcUSA 1:2M: Agricultural Product Market Value (County)
    1992 ArcUSAUnited States 1:2,000,000  
    ArcUSA 1:2M: Agricultural Product Inventory (County)
    1992 ArcUSAUnited States 1:2,000,000  
    ArcUSA 1:2M: Agricultural Product Inventory (State)
    1992 ArcUSAUnited States 1:2,000,000  
    ArcWorld Supplement: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
    1995 ArcWorldWorld 1:3,000,000  
    ArcWorld Supplement: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
    1995 ArcWorldWorld 1:3,000,000  
    ArcWorld 1:3M: Food Production and Nutrition
    1992 ArcWorldWorld 1:3,000,000  
    ArcWorld 1:3M: Labor Force Characteristics
    1992 ArcWorldWorld 1:3,000,000  
    ArcAtlas: Agriculture
    1996 ArcAtlasWorld 1:11,000,000  
    GEO-3: Matthews Cultivation Intensity
    1983 GEO-3World 1:15,000,000 Metadata Link
    ArcUSA 1:25M: Statistical Attributes by State
    1992 ArcUSAUnited States 1:25,000,000  
    ArcUSA 1:25M: Statistical Attributes by County
    1992 ArcUSAUnited States 1:25,000,000  
    ArcWorld 1:25M: Selected Statistical Attributes
    1992 ArcWorldWorld 1:25,000,000  
    ArcWorld 1:25M: Selected Statistical Attributes
    1992 ArcWorldWorld 1:25,000,000  

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