GIS Lookup: Detailed Data Layer Listing

Data Layer GraphicTitle: "Benthic monitoring sites" (2000)
Description: The North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, with funding from the NC Clean Water Management Trust Fund and in cooperation with the NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, developed the digital benthic monitoring data to enhance water quality assessment & plan review of Trust Fund project applications. This file identifies points where benthic macroinvertebrate monitoring has occurred. This file enables users to review the current rating of water quality for each sampling site based on the monitoring results. These data were created to assist governmental agencies and others in making resource management decisions through use of a Geographic Information System (GIS).
Keywords and Themes: Basins, Benthic Monitoring, Bioclassification, Monitoring Sites and Stations, Use Support Rating, Sub-basins,
Filename Prefix: benthic
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Mapped Drive Folder: /cgia83/ncom200703/
Total size of data files: 0.21592 MB
Data Type: Shapefile
Feature Type: Point
Coordinate System: NAD_1983_StatePlane_North_Carolina_FIPS_3200
Datum: North American Datum of 1983Map Units: Meters

Spatial Extent: North Carolina
Source Scale: 1:24000

Created by: NC DENR - Div. of Water Quality, Biological Assessment Unit
Released by: NC Center for Geographic Information & Analysis
Content Date:
Published Date:

Collection Name: NC OneMap - 3/12/2007
Physical Location:
Call Number:
Acquired Date: Downloaded Mar 12, 2007
Distribution Restrictions: Public Domain

Note: Public download and possible updated data are available from NC OneMap

Links to Metadata, Documentation, and Mapping:

Record ID: 3006_NCOM0703

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