GIS Lookup: Detailed Data Layer Listing

Title: "NTAD: National Highway Planning Network 2004.03 (line)" (2004)
Description: The National Highway Planning Network is a comprehensive network database of the nation's major highway system. It consists of the nation's highways comprised of Rural Arterials, Urban Principal Arterials and all National Highway System routes. The data set covers the 48 contiguous States plus the District of Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. The nominal scale of the data set is 1:100,000 with a maximal positional error of ?80 meters. The primary purpose of this geospatial data set is to serve the FHWA needs in highway planning, policy analysis, visualization of the Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) database and network modeling. The NHPN is the digital source used for coding and publishing the FHWA approved National Highway System maps.
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Filename Prefix: nhpnlin
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Mapped Drive Folder: /fedgov/bts/ntad04/polyline/nhpn/
Total size of data files: 139.23 MB
Data Type: ESRI Shapefile
Feature Type: Polyline
Coordinate System: GCS_WGS_1984
Datum: D_WGS_1984Map Units: Decimal degrees

Spatial Extent: United States
Source Scale: The original elements of the NHPN have been conflated to the 1:100,000 DLG-3 data set, which maintains a nominal accuracy of at least ?80 meters. Where new roads have been added which are not in the DLG-3 database, link alignments have been digitized or converted from digital sources acquired from state DOTs with a map scale of at least 1:100,000. Where State data source was not available, CENSUS TIGER/Line 2000 was used.

Created by: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Released by: Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
Content Date: 20040301
Published Date: 20040716

Collection Name: National Transportation Atlas Databases (NTAD) 2004
Physical Location: Reference Gov. Docs. CD Cabinet
Call Number:
Acquired Date: 20040901
Distribution Restrictions: Public Domain

Note: The NHPN Version 2004.03 database, or any portion thereof, can be freely distributed as long as this metadata entry is included with each distribution. The original metadata entry cannot be modified or deleted from any data transfer.

Links to Metadata, Documentation, and Mapping:

Record ID: 2490_ntad04

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