GIS Lookup: Detailed Data Layer Listing

Title: "HAZUS: Waste Water Pipeline Segments" (1999)
Keywords and Themes:
Filename Prefix: wdl
Tiled By: state
Total size of data files: 0 MB
Data Type: Shapefile
Feature Type: Line
Coordinate System: Geographic Coordinates
Datum: NAD 83Map Units: Decimal Degrees

Spatial Extent: United States
Sub-Extent: Not all states (no NC)
Resolution: Sub-County
Source Scale: 1:100,000

Created by:
Released by: FEMA
Content Date: 0
Published Date: 0

Collection Name: HAZUS
Physical Location:
Call Number:
Acquired Date: 0
Distribution Restrictions: PUBLIC DOMAIN

Note: As of 02/2005, this information has not been recently updated

Links to Metadata, Documentation, and Mapping:

Record ID: 1238_HAZUS99

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