Cabarrus County GIS Data

Feature Data Layers obtained August 31, 2000

The following county-wide feature data layers are available for Cabarrus County. The data are in shapefile format (unless otherwise specified), State Plane 1983/feet. ArcView legend files are included for some layers.

Feature Data

Data LayerDescriptionFile Size (mb)Brief Metadata
btopo5 Foot Topographic Contours88.3btopo.txt
addressStreet Addresses (points)30.3address.txt
centerlRoad Centerline Network4.5centerl.txt
easementsRoad R/W Network (Arc/Info export file) (SW only)51.8easements.txt
emsEMS Districts0.045ems.txt
fireFire Districts 0.23fire.txt
firestFire Station Locations0.02firest.txt
fldplnFloodplains (FEMA) 6.05fldpln.txt
infraInfrastructure (Major Gas, Power, Telephone, Rail Lines) 87.8infra.txt
municMunicipality Limits0.18munic.txt
parcelParcel Boundaries (polygons)34.7parcel.txt
parcelarcParcel Boundaries (lines)56.8parcelarc.txt
sewerlSewer Lines36.8sewerl.txt
atopo25 Foot Topo Contours (West half of County only)23.2 mbatopo.txt
avtopoannoTopographic Contours Annotation (Arc/Info export file)27.5 mbavtopoanno.txt
waterlHydrography Network8.7waterl.txt
watershedWatershed Boundaries - (Protected and Critical Areas)0.26watershed.txt
zoningExisting Zoning (County, Concord, Kannapolis, Harrisburg, Mt. Pleasant)1.2zoning.txt

Digital Orthophotos

As of 2000, digital orthophotos had been most recently collected in 1996. The images are in TIFF format, 25 mb per image. There are 502 images and about 13 gb total file size on 25 CD-ROMs. This data is not currently available via the Libraries.

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