Diogo Bercito Collection of Books 1929-2020

Using these materials
Bercito, Diogo
287.54 gigabytes (6777 files)
Call number
GR 0013
Access to materials

This collection is made up of digitized materials and is open for research. Digital material in this collection is only provided in limited quantities upon request for non-commercial research, scholarly, or other educational purposes pursuant to U.S. Copyright Law.


Materials in this collection are mostly in Portuguese with some in Arabic.

Biographical/historical note

Diogo Bercito is a Brazilian journalist and scholar who specializes in Arab migration to Latin America. As a journalist, he spent ten years living and working in Rabat, Jerusalem, Beirut, and Cairo.

The publications included in this collection are related to his research as a Ph.D candidate at Georgetown University into the mahjar in Brazil.


The Diogo Bercito Collection of Books includes 44 books published in Brazil regarding Syrian and Lebanese immigration. Publication dates for the books range from 1929 to 2020 with the bulk of them written in Portuguese and a few in Arabic.


This collection is arranged alphabetically by author's last name.

Use of these materials

The Khayrallah Center claims only physical ownership of the materials. Due to the nature of archival collections, information about copyright and rights ownership in the materials may be difficult to find despite reasonable efforts. Nonexclusive right to authorize uses of these materials for non-commercial research, scholarly, or other educational purposes are granted to Khayrallah Center pursuant to U.S. Copyright Law. Usage of the materials for these purposes must be fully credited with the source. The user assumes full responsibility for any use of the materials.

Preferred Citation

[Identification of item], Diogo Bercito Collection of Books, GR 0013, Moise A. Khayrallah Center for Lebanese Diaspora Studies Archive, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC

Source of acquisition

Gift of Diogo Bercito, 2020 and 2022 (Accession Nos. 2020.001 and 2022.006).

Processing information

Processed by Amanda Forbes, Celine Shay, Harrison Camp, and Rachel Beth Acker, 2020 and 2022. Finding aid content contributed by Diogo Bercito, 2023 November. Finding aid created by Laura Lethers, 2023 November.

Please note that some historical materials may contain harmful content and/or descriptions. Learn how we’re addressing it.
Os Libanêses [The Lebanese] by Luiz Abinader 1951 (Accession 2022.006)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese

A study on Lebanese history, politics, and people.

Fuller Title: Os Libaneses: Estudo analitico des habitantes da republica libanesa e tratamento etiologico dos maes endemicos que os acometem [The Lebanese: Analytical study of inhabitants of the Lebanese Republic and etiological treatment of the endemic diseases that affect them]

Gente do Líbano que Faz no Brasil [People of Lebanon who Make it in Brazil] by Carlos Abumrad 2007 (Accession 2022.006)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese

Short biographical entries on prominent Lebanese migrants and descendants in Brazil.

Libaneses e Sírios que Fazem o Brasil [Lebanese and Syrians who Make it in Brazil] by Carlos Abumrad 2012 (Accession 2022.006)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese

Short biographical entries on prominent Lebanese and Syrian migrants and descendants in Brazil.

Fuller Title: Libaneses e sirios que fazem o Brasil: Eles alcancaram o unico objetivo na America vencer [Lebanese and Syrians who make Brazil: They achieved the only goal in America to win]

Muhadathat Tilifuniyya Bayna al-Brazil wa-Lubnan, محادثات تلفونية بين البرازيل ولبنان [Phone conversations between Brazil and Lebanon] by Shukri al-Khuri 1938 (Accession 2020.001)
Language of materials
Materials in Arabic (Arabic)

A booklet written in dialectal Arabic by a prominent Lebanese journalist.

Qisat Finiyanus, قصة فنيانوس [The History of Finiyanus] by Shukri al-Khuri 1929 (Accession 2020.001)
Language of materials
Materials in Arabic (Arabic)

A reprint of a 1902 booklet, one of the first works published in Arabic in Latin America.

Alternative Title: Histoire de Finianos: Recit en Arabe Dialectal du Liban [History of Finianos: Story in Lebanese Dialectal Arabic]

O Diário de Míriam Bo Sauder [The Diary of Míriam Bo Sauder] edited by Wilma Ary 2008 (Accession 2022.006)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese

The diary of a woman living in Syria during World War I, organized by her granddaughter.

A Beirute Brasileira: Histórias de Descendentes Libaneses em São Paulo [Brazilian Beirut: Stories of Lebanese Descendants in Sao Paulo] by Bianca Zanini Ottaiano and Maha Omar Assaf 2015 (Accession 2022.006)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese

An undergraduate thesis on Lebanese migration to São Paulo.

Memórias de um Mascate [The Memoirs of a Peddler] by Tanus Jorge Bastani 1949 (Accession 2022.006)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese

A semi-biographical account of an Arab peddler in Brazil.

Fuller Title: Memories de um Mascate: O soldado errante da civilizacao [Memoirs of a Peddler: The Wandering Soldier of Civilization]

A Literatura Árabe: Fonte de Beleza e de Sabedoria [Arab Literature: Source of Beauty and Wisdom] by Mansour Challita 1962 (Accession 2020.001)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese

A short history of Arabic literature, written by an Arab descendant in Brazil.

Durub Muhajir: Min ‘Ayn ‘Atta ila Baraziliya, دروب مهاجر من عين عطا إلى برازيليا [Paths of an Immigrant: From ‘Ayn ‘Atta to Brasília] by Amador de Arimathéa 2009 (Accession 2020.001)
Language of materials
Materials in Arabic (Arabic)

The story of Mohamed Khodr, a Druze migrant who participated in the construction of Brasilia.

A Emigração Sírio-Libanesa às Terras de Promissão [Syrian-Lebanese Emigration to the Lands of Promise] by Taufik Duoun 1944 (Accession 2020.001)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese

A narrative of the author’s migration from Lebanon to Brazil and his life in the diaspora.

Os Muçulmanos no Brasil [Muslims in Brazil] by Khaled Taky El Din 2014 (Accession 2022.006)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese

A study on the nineteenth-century Ottoman traveler Abd al-Rahman al-Baghdadi’s writings.

Ahlam al-Ra‘i, احلام الراعي [Shepherd’s Dreams] by Elias Farhat 1952 (Accession 2022.006)
Language of materials
Materials in Arabic (Arabic)

A poem by a Lebanese migrant in Brazil.

Dinheiro na Estrada: Uma Saga de Imigrantes [Money on the Road: A Saga of Immigrants] by Emil Farhat 1987 (Accession 2020.001)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese

A fictitious account told from the point of view of a mother whose children immigrated from Lebanon to Brazil.

Ruba‘iyat, رباعيات by Elias Farhat 1954 (Accession 2022.006)
Language of materials
Materials in Arabic (Arabic)

A poem by a Lebanese migrant in Brazil.

O Mascate [The Peddler] by Assis Féres 1970 (Accession 2020.001)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese

A poem about a peddler in Brazil written by a Lebanese descendant.

Cozinha Árabe [Arab Kitchen] by Adélia Salem Gabriel 1959 (Accession 2022.006)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese; Arabic (Arabic)

One of the earliest Arab cookbooks published in Brazil.

Impressões de Viagem (Líbano-Brasil) [Impressions of a Journey (Lebanon-Brazil)] by Sadalla Amin Ghanem 1936 (Accession 2022.006)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese

A detailed account of the author’s migration from Lebanon to Brazil.

Primavera na Flandres [Spring in Flandres] by Jamil Almansur Haddad 1947 (Accession 2020.001)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese

A collection of poems written by the Lebanese descendant Jamil Almansur Haddad.

Imigração Árabe: 100 Anos de Reflexão [Arab Immigration: A Hundred Years of Reflection] by Claude Fahd Hajjar 1985 (Accession 2020.001)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese

One of the first comprehensive works on the history of Arab migration to Brazil.

Delícias da Cozinha Árabe [Delights of the Arab Kitchen] by Malvina Hauch 1984 (Accession 2022.006)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese

An Arab cookbook published in Brazil.

Deus Também Descansa [God Also Rests] by Bruno Bou Haya 2020 (Accession 2022.006)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese; Arabic (Arabic)

A photographic essay done in Lebanon by a Lebanese descendant born in Brazil.

al-Fajr al-Awwal, الفجر الاول [The First Dawn] by Rachid Hias 1957 (Accession 2022.006)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese

A bilingual Arabic-Portuguese collection of poems.

Ensaios e Discursos [Essays and Speeches] by Nami Jafet 1947 (Accession 2022.006)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese

A collection of Nami Jafet’s speeches, published posthumously.

Impressões de Viagem à América do Norte [Impressions of a Trip to North America] by Eduardo Benjamin Jafet 1956 (Accession 2022.006)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese

The travel account of the author’s 1946 trip to the United States.

Álbum da Colônia Sírio-Libanesa no Brasil [An Album of the Syrian-Lebanese Community in Brazil] by Salomão Jorge 1948 (Accession 2020.001)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese

A compilation of several articles written about Syrians and Lebanese in Brazil.

Um Paranaense nas Trincheiras da Lei [A Paranaense in the Trenches of Law] by Elias Karam 1933 (Accession 2022.006)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese

An account of the 1932 revolution of São Paulo written by an Arab descendant.

A Arte Culinária Sírio-Libanesa [Syria-Lebanese Culinary Art] by José Khoury 1976 (Accession 2022.006)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese

A Syrian-Lebanese cookbook with over two hundred recipes.

Sírios e Libaneses [Syrians and Lebanese] by Clark S. Knowlton 1960 (Accession 2020.001)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese

One of the first studies of Arab migration to the Americas, done by an American scholar in the 1950s.

Os Sírios e Libaneses no Brasil [Syrians and Lebanese in Brazil] by Taufik Kurban 1933 (Accession 2020.001)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese

One of the first accounts written by a Syrian-Lebanese migrant in Brazil.

O Brasil e o Mundo Árabe [Brazil and the Arab World] by Carlos Lacerda 1948 (Accession 2022.006)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese

A study on the geopolitics of the Arab World with a few comments on Brazil’s perspective.

Abkar a Cidade dos Gênios [Abkar, the City of Jinn] by Chafic Maluf 1949 (Accession 2020.001)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese

A Portuguese translation of one of the most influential poems of the Brazilian mahjar.

Imigração Árabe no Brasil: Histórias de Vida de Libaneses Muçulmanos e Cristãos [Arab Immigration in Brazil: Life Stories of Lebanese Muslims and Christians] by Samira Adel Osman 2011 (Accession 2020.001)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese

A work of oral history comparing the experiences of men and women from both the Christian and Muslim communities in Brazil.

Ele: Maluf, Trajetória da Audácia [Himself: Maluf, The Trajectory of Audacity] by Tão Gomes Pinto 2008 (Accession 2022.006)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese

A biography of Paulo Maluf, a Lebanese descendant who acted as governor of São Paulo.

A Imigração Árabe no Brasil: Volume 1 [Arab Immigration in Brazil: Volume 1] by Jorge S. Safady 1972 (Accession 2020.001)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese

The first part of Jorge Safady’s dissertation on the history of Arab migration to Brazil.

Cenas e Cenários Dos Caminhos de Minha Vida [Scenes and Landscapes of My Life’s Paths] by Wadih Safady 1966 (Accession 2020.001)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese

An account of Safady’s migration from Zahleh to Brazil in the early twentieth century.

O Líbano no Brasil [Lebanon in Brazil] by Jorge S. Safady 1956 (Accession 2022.006)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese

Brief reflections on the intersection of Lebanese and Brazilian history.

Culinária Árabe: Volume 1 [Arab Cuisine: Volume 1] by Nair Saud 1981 (Accession 2022.006)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese

An Arab cookbook published in Brazil.

Os Sete Véus da Cozinha Árabe: 30 Receitas de Sedução [The Seven Veils of Arab Kitchen: 30 Recipes of Seduction] by Amirah Sharif 2001 (Accession 2022.006)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese

An Arab cookbook paired with esoteric lessons.

Perfis de Imigrantes Libaneses de Limeira [Profiles of Lebanese Immigrants in Limeira] by Altino Stahlberg 2001 (Accession 2022.006)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese

A short biographical dictionary of Lebanese families settled in Limeira, the countryside of São Paulo.

Patrícios: Sírios e Libaneses em São Paulo [Patricians: Syrians and Lebanese in São Paulo] by Oswaldo Mario Serra Truzzi 1997 (Accession 2020.001)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese; Arabic (Arabic)

One of the most comprehensive scholarly works on Syrian-Lebanese migration to Brazil.

al-Azjal al-Lubnaniyya fi al-Mahjar al-Brazili, الأزجال اللبنانية في المهجر البرازيلي [The Lebanese Zajal in the Brazilian Mahjar] by Asa'd Zaydan undated (Accession 2022.006)

A study on the production of zajal –– a coloquial poetic genre –– by Arabic speakers in Brazil.

Digital copy. Available in person or in limited quantities only.

Shu‘ara’ min al-Mahjar al-Brazili, شعراء من المهجر البرازيلي [Poets from the Brazilian Mahjar] by Asa‘d Zaydan 2005 (Accession 2022.006)
Language of materials
Materials in Arabic (Arabic)

A study on Arabic poetry in Brazil followed by excerpts of their works.

Yasua‘ al-Maslub, يسوع المصلوب [Jesus, the Crucified] by Nazir Zaytun 1939 (Accession 2022.006)
Language of materials
Materials in Arabic (Arabic)

A historical novel about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

A Poesia Árabe Moderna e o Brasil [Modern Arab Poetry and Brazil] by Slimane Zeghidour 1982 (Accession 2020.001)
Language of materials
Materials in Portuguese

A booklet authored by an Algerian author including information on Arabic press and literature in Brazil.

Please note that some historical materials may contain harmful content and/or descriptions. Learn how we’re addressing it.

Access to the collection

This collection is made up of digitized materials and is open for research. Digital material in this collection is only provided in limited quantities upon request for non-commercial research, scholarly, or other educational purposes pursuant to U.S. Copyright Law.

For more information contact us via mail, phone, or our web form.

Mailing address:
Special Collections Research Center
Box 7111
Raleigh, NC, 27695-7111

Phone: (919) 515-2273

Preferred Citation

[Identification of item], Diogo Bercito Collection of Books, GR 0013, Moise A. Khayrallah Center for Lebanese Diaspora Studies Archive, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC

Use of these materials

The Khayrallah Center claims only physical ownership of the materials. Due to the nature of archival collections, information about copyright and rights ownership in the materials may be difficult to find despite reasonable efforts. Nonexclusive right to authorize uses of these materials for non-commercial research, scholarly, or other educational purposes are granted to Khayrallah Center pursuant to U.S. Copyright Law. Usage of the materials for these purposes must be fully credited with the source. The user assumes full responsibility for any use of the materials.