Where can I return my books?

You can return books and media to:

  • Ask Us center at the Hill Library
  • Ask Us center at the Hunt Library
  • Service desks at the Design, Natural Resources, or Veterinary Medicine Libraries
  • Bookdrop boxes

Textbooks and reserve materials

Because textbooks and Course Reserve materials are often in high demand and have shorter loan periods than regular, circulating materials, please return them to the Ask Us or service desks (rather than in a bookdrop box).

Bookdrop boxes

Bookdrop boxes that are located outdoors are available even when the library buildings are closed.

Please do not return technology, textbooks, or reserve materials to bookdrop boxes.

A bookdrop is located at the Hillsborough Street entrance to the Hill Library as well as on the east side of the building in the parking lot. A third bookdrop is located on the ramp by the Brickyard Entrance, outdoors.

There are three bookdrops at the Hill Library:

  • Red bookdrop located just inside the Hillsborough entrance
  • Red bookdrop located outside of the east end of the building between the Patterson Hall parking lot and Founders Drive (outdoors)
  • Red bookdrop located on the portico just left of the Brickyard entrance doors (outdoors)
A bookdrop is located in the Partners I parking lot and inside the Hunt Library

At James. B. Hunt, Jr. Library, there are two bookdrop boxes:

  • A red bookdrop located at the Ask Us center
  • Dark tan bookdrop located in the Partners I Parking Lot directly across from the library on the Partners Way side (outdoors)


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Keywords: return, returns, book drop-off, drop off, drop boxes, book drop, nrl, VML

Last Edited: Apr 20, 2022

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