What is the SPR?

The NCSU Scholarly Publications Repository (SPR) serves to collect, preserve, and provide on-going access to scholarly materials created at NC State University.

The SPR contains bibliographic information to over 25,000 scholarly publications produced by NC State faculty and researchers since 1997, with limited pre-1997 publications. As the SPR grows, it will include additional publications and the associated full-text where available.

SPR contents are accessible via web search engines such as Google. The repository infrastructure is capable of holding many different types of materials, articles, chapters, books, technical reports, patents, and conference papers, patents, software, and data sets, along with digital audiovisual media or other associated materials. The Libraries is committed to maintaining the repository contents indefinitely with a permanent, citable URI for each item.

Current NC State faculty, graduate students and research staff may submit content using an online form, or by contacting repository@ncsu.edu. Placing materials in the repository does not alter a work's copyright ownership.

The SPR does not contain a comprehensive listing of all the research conducted at NC State. Additional scholarly publications may be found on individual websites of various research centers and institutes at NC State.

Terms of use for using SPR content can be found here


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Keywords: scholarly publications repository

Last Edited: Apr 10, 2021

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