What do contributors agree to, when they submit their work to the SPR?

In order for the NC State University Libraries to accept your contribution to the Scholarly Publications Repository (SPR), you must agree to the following Non-Exclusive License:

By clicking the I Grant the License button, you promise, agree to, and grant to the NC State University Libraries the following:
  • You are the copyright holder of the submission and/or you have the authority to grant the rights contained in this license. You also represent that your submission does not, to the best of your knowledge, infringe upon anyone's copyright.
  • You grant to the NC State University Libraries a non-exclusive, perpetual license to deposit the work (your submission) in the NC State University Digital Repository, a non-commercial, openly available collection of institutional scholarly research.
  • Furthermore, you grant to the NC State University Libraries the right, without changing the content, to migrate one or more copies of the submission to any medium or format for backup and preservation purposes.

If you are not sure of your authority to grant rights, see Guidelines for Determining your Rights to Deposit.

If you have specific questions, send an email to repository@ncsu.edu.

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Keywords: scholarly publications repository, copyright, non-exclusive license, contributing

Last Edited: May 13, 2020

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