Is there a baby changing station in the library?

Yes, both the Hill and Hunt Libraries have baby changing stations.

D.H. Hill Jr. Library

There are four baby changing stations in the Hill Library. 

  • Second Floor West Wing, Women’s Restroom — Room 2302
  • Second Floor West Wing, Men’s Restroom — Room 2305
  • Second Floor North Tower, Single Occupant Restroom — Room 2201
  • Third Floor North Tower, Single Occupant Restroom — Room 3201
  • Third Floor North Tower, Lactation Room — Room 3202

James B. Hunt Jr. Library

There are three baby changing stations in the Hunt Library.

  • First Floor Lactation Room — Room 1202
  • Second Floor Women’s Restroom in Main Lobby — Room 2115
  • Second Floor Men’s Restroom in Main Lobby — Room 2111

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Last Edited: Mar 5, 2024

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