How do I request a Research Study Room?

At the D.H. Hill Jr. Library, N.C. State faculty members and graduate students may apply for the use of a research study room, assigned on a semester basis. These studies are located on floors four through nine of the bookstacks tower.

See Application for Research Study

There are no long-term faculty/graduate student research spaces at the James B. Hunt Jr. Library. However, there is a Faculty Research Commons on the fifth floor designed exclusively for short-term faculty use. The Faculty Research Commons has 8 workrooms, 5 focus rooms, and 1 conference room, reservable for up to 24 hours, plus an open lounge area with comfortable seating. The Graduate Student Commons on the fourth floor at Hunt provides a variety of similar workspaces for graduate students.

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Keywords: Faculty Research Study, faculty study, faculty commons, rooms, study rooms, graduate student, graduate

Last Edited: Oct 14, 2020

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