How do I get English translations of articles?

English translations of books or articles may or may not be available. It depends on the nature of the research and the notability of the original publication. First look for titles published by the same authors, appearing the same year or later.

The NCSU Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures (919-515-2475) can help people locate professional translators. On their website is list of faculty who do translations for a fee:
List of Translators

For languages not on the list or larger projects, the American Translators Association maintains online directories of Translation and Interpreting Services and Language Services companies along with advice on selecting a service to meet your needs.

Rough translations of articles in a wide variety of languages can be obtained by using Google Translate at For best results, copy content from multi-column articles into a text file with a single column of content re-connecting any words hyphenated at the end of lines, and move table, figure and caption content to a separate part of the document. If your document is a scanned item, use Adobe Acrobat Pro or another program to do optical character recognition (OCR) of the content in the native language so that you can then copy out the content for translation. Note that OCR is not completely accurate--you may need to correct errors to ensure word recognition.

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Keywords: translation, translations, foreign, language, languages, translate, non-English

Last Edited: Apr 5, 2024

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