Does the library have a plagiarism checker?

No, the NC State University Libraries does not subscribe to or pay for a plagiarism checker service.

The University does have a license to Turnitin, which can be used by faculty to run a similarity report on student papers that are created and submitted in via Moodle assignments.

Library staff cannot run student papers through Turnitin.

Information about Turnitin and plagiarism for instructors

For help adding Turnitin to Moodle assignments, instructors should review DELTA's Learning Technology Article

Information about Turnitin and plagiarism for students

If you have already submitted  your paper through Turnitin and have a similarity report you would like to review, writing consultants in the Undergraduate Writing Center and and Graduate Writing Center are happy to review the Turnitin report with you. 

If you have questions about plagiarism and citation, please see our page on Plagiarism

Additional information about Turnitin and plagiarism

Turnitin provides faculty with a Similarity Report and Score, which shows the percentage of the student paper that matches existing source material. According to the Office of Student Conduct, a Turnitin Similarity Score cannot be the only piece of evidence in a referral for plagiarism violation.

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Keywords: writing, paperwriting, citation, sources, plagiarism, turnitin

Last Edited: Oct 19, 2023

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