Do you have textbooks?

Textbooks can be found using the Libraries' catalog (not all are currently in My Course Reserves) and are located in D. H. Hill Jr., the Hunt Library, or the three branch libraries -- Design, Natural Resources, and Veterinary Medicine.

In the library catalog, these items show up as part of the Textbook collection. At D. H. Hill Jr. and the Hunt Library, they are located at the Ask Us center. They are available for one 2-hour loan and cannot be requested or put on hold.

The Textbook Collection at the Hunt Library consists primarily of texts for courses taught on Centennial Campus (within the College of Textiles and the College of Engineering).

The Libraries provides at least one copy of every required textbook for fall and spring semester classes, assuming that either the NC State Bookstores or the Libraries has received notification of the assigned text by specified deadlines. Textbooks that have been placed on reserve will stay as a reserve for a minimum of three years. The Libraries makes over 4,500 required texts available on Course Reserves each year.

More textbooks information.

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Keywords: textbooks, textbook, text books, course books, coursepacks, course packs, readings, book store

Last Edited: Jan 13, 2020

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