Understanding Virtual Spaces

On view Thursday, April 1, 2021 to Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Graduate students in graphic design created immersive environments using the Virtual Reality (VR) tools of a new platform called Mozilla Hubs.

  • Platforms, rooms, a staircase, and trees in a virtual space
    Image credit: Brian Sekelsky, Brian’s Room (Mozilla Hub), 2020. Virtual 3D space created with Mozilla Hubs Rooms Platform.

About This Exhibit

Graduate students in Graphic Design created immersive environments using the Virtual Reality tools of a new platform called Mozilla Hubs. In their Fall 2020 course, Understanding VR, instructor Payod Panda challenged students to experiment with designing in virtual space. Viewers can explore the students' spaces in this exhibition through an interactive installation in the Innovation Studio, or view the spaces online on other devices.

Mozilla Hubs is a web-based platform that allows for the creation of mixed reality spaces where the creators can easily share their virtual spaces, communicate within them and share other content.

The rooms include the work of Liz Chen, Meichun Liu, Rosa McDonald, Brian Sekelsky, Jillian Swaim, Jeff Wilkinson, Amanda Williams, and Jacob Joseph Williams.


Thursday, April 1, 2021 to Tuesday, December 13, 2022


iPearl Innovation Studio, D. H. Hill Jr. Library

View the online exhibit


Free and open to the public.


  • Staff profile photo
    Meichun Liu
  • Staff profile photo
    Brian Sekelsky
  • Staff profile photo
    Jacob Joseph Williams
  • Staff profile photo
    Jillian Swaim
  • Staff profile photo
    Amanda Williams
  • Staff profile photo
    Jeff Wilkinson
  • Staff profile photo
    Liz Chen
  • Staff profile photo
    Rosa McDonald