State of Sound Player

On view Thursday, September 19, 2019 to Monday, August 17, 2020

A player for NC State creators' audio works from the State of Sound project, using 3D-printed records with embedded RFID tags.

  • A white device with a glowing circle connected to headphones
  • A white device with a black dot connected to headphones

About This Exhibit

The player here contains a collection of tracks from the State of Sound project. The tracks here, each by an NC State artist, are presented on one-of-a-kind 3D-printed "records" which have an RFID (radio-frequency identification) tag embedded in them. The player reads the tags and delivers the correct audio track—much like checking out a book here at the Hunt Library, where every book has its own unique RFID tag.

The State of Sound project showcases the NC State University audio making community and inspires creativity and discovery through the sharing of audio projects. Any audio is welcome - podcasts, songs, oral history interviews, field recordings; all work is welcome, whether it was made using Libraries spaces and services or anywhere else.

For those looking to get started with audio making, the Digital Media Labs at Hill and Hunt are equipped with audio production stations and experts who are available for consultation. The Libraries also host State of Sound Sessions where community members learn and share audio production with the State of Sound community. Submissions to State of Sound are open to all NC State University students, staff, faculty, and alumni at


Thursday, September 19, 2019 to Monday, August 17, 2020


Jay Lawrence and Ella Apple Technology Showcase, James B. Hunt Jr. Library
