Office of Undergraduate Research Profiles

On view Tuesday, October 13, 2020 to Monday, April 24, 2023

The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) supports and promotes opportunities for undergraduates through mentored experiences with NC State faculty and other professionals. For our profiles exhibit, we are showcasing Katie Brooks, a recent graduate from the Art + Design Department. She was captivated by the ginkgo trees lining the path behind Park Shops on campus and this fascination and appreciation grew to be her main artistic medium.

  • Yellow gingko leaves on wood. One is intricately painted with fall foliage and the NC State Belltower
    Image credit: Katie Brooks, Thank you, Wolfpack, Acrylic, Gingko Bilboa leaves, 5” x 7” framed, December 2019

About This Exhibit

The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) supports and promotes discovery-, inquiry-, scholarship-, and creativity-based opportunities for undergraduates through mentored experiences with NC State faculty and other professionals. For our profiles exhibit, we are showcasing two students, Katie Brooks and Ethan Strubinger, who participated this past semester.

Katie Brooks is a recent graduate from the Art + Design Department with a minor in Arts Entrepreneurship. She was captivated by the ginkgo trees lining the path behind Park Shops on campus and wanted to incorporate them into her work. This fascination and appreciation grew to be her main artistic medium. This practice was supported and fostered by the faculty in the Art + Design program and Arts NC State. She states that NC State “has championed [her] as both an artist and researcher, and [she is] humbled by this overwhelming source of support. Thank you, Wolfpack!” —Katie Brooks

Ethan Strubinger is a senior in the College of Engineering and part of the Dickey Group. His recent experiments with Electrowetting have revealed some interesting results. The aim of his work is to understand how voltage and electrolyte affect the movement of a plug within a channel. "I was always interested in research as I love to learn about the unknown. I was fortunate enough to hear about the Dickey Group in my first year at state and scheduled a meeting with Dr. Dickey. The rest is history. I love the challenges that are faced everyday in the lab." —Ethan Strubinger


Tuesday, October 13, 2020 to Monday, April 24, 2023


iPearl Innovation Studio, D. H. Hill Jr. Library


Free and open to the public.


  • Staff profile photo
    Katie Brooks
  • Staff profile photo
    Ethan Strubinger