Imagining Feminist Technologies

On view Wednesday, December 14, 2022 to Tuesday, March 26, 2024

A collection of speculative designs of technologies that center and support feminist values and ideas, made by students in WGS/STS 210 Women & Gender in Science & Technology in Fall 2022.

  • A dark silhouette of an abstract female form is in the foreground of a symmetrical composition, with a background of blue-green geometric shapes.
    Students in WGS 210 generated this image using Midjourney AI with the prompt: "art exhibit of feminist speculative technologies future transformed."
  • A phone screen showing the welcome screen for an app called
    App concept "Asra" by Ruby Cain
  • Photo of a 3D printed spider with SAIA written on its back
    3D Printed "SAIA - Spider AI Assistant" by Atticus Graysmith
  • Photo of a 3D printed wheelchair with three wheels
    3D Printed "Wheelchair to Combat Stairs" by Gracie Gibbs

About This Exhibit

Students in WGS/STS 210 Women & Gender in Science & Technology, led by Dr. Patsy Sibley in Fall 2022, were challenged to design a feminist speculative technology, incorporating concepts learned in the course with their own creative and imaginative take on technology and its possible futures. They responded with visions and prototypes (some physical, some digital) of feminist technologies that could exist in our world, adjacent presents, and alternative futures.


Wednesday, December 14, 2022 to Tuesday, March 26, 2024


iPearl Innovation Studio, D. H. Hill Jr. Library


Free and open to the public.
