Dare and Do! Share Your Story About Women's History at NC State

Dare and Do! Women walking in front of the Belltower, fixing an old computer, and doing a step dance

Dare and Do! highlights many important women from NC State’s history, but we know there are individuals and organizations that we have missed or who are not represented in the archive. Please share stories, accomplishments, events, names, or any other information you think should contribute to a more inclusive representation of women’s history at NC State, including things alumnae have accomplished after leaving NC State. We may share your story on social media (@ncsulibraries) or on the exhibit website while Dare and Do! is available to view.

As you would like it to appear on our Dare and Do! exhibit page
We'll send you a copy of the story you share with us, and we might contact you for more information about it. We won't spam you or share your email with anyone else.
Tell us about your family member, friend, teacher, mentor, neighbor...whoever's story you want to share! Or, of course, yourself. We'd love highlights about achievements and firsts at NC State University.
Share a photo to accompany your story.
One file only.
7 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, pdf.