Christie Code + Art Exhibit 2016

On view Thursday, April 14, 2016 to Sunday, April 24, 2016

View the winning digital art works from the Libraries' second annual Code+Art Student Visualization Contest, as well as all of the other submissions. Students were invited to create visualizations, digital compositions, and data art for any of the large video walls at the James B. Hunt Jr. Library, including the 20-foot wide Art Wall.

About This Exhibit

Libraries have long been places where people have explored new ways of interacting with information. The video walls at the James B. Jr. Hunt Library were installed to create a dialogue with library visitors and show the work of students and faculty at the university. The visualizations created for our digital spaces greet library visitors and give them a taste of the possibilities that await them inside the Hunt Library.

Featuring student from many disciplines, the Code+Art exhibit features work in these categories:

Data visualization
Data art
Generative art
Procedurally generated environments
Digital illustrations
New media art


Thursday, April 14, 2016 to Sunday, April 24, 2016


Art Wall, James B. Hunt Jr. Library
Commons Wall, James B. Hunt Jr. Library

Other Information

The contest and exhibit are sponsored by Christie® Digital Systems.


Free admission and open to the public.


  • Staff profile photo
    Mike Nutt
    Former Data Experience Manager