Biological Illustration

On view Monday, July 25, 2016 to Sunday, July 31, 2016

Technology abounds at NCSU. Yet students enrolled in Biological Illustration (BIO 227) are showing off some old-school skills in precise, detailed drawing. “Technology is a wonderful tool,” says Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences Jennifer Landin. “It allows us to get end results quickly. But sometimes we need to slow down and work through the process to truly understand.” That’s where illustration enters.

  • Example student illustrations of insects from the Biological Illustration course.
    Example student illustrations of insects from the Biological Illustration course.

About This Exhibit

Close, careful observation is an essential skill for scientists – and for artists. Students in Landin’s Biological Illustration course learn about a different group of life forms each week. Then, during lab, each person selects one organism or concept to draw. Students examine specimens, identify structures, learn about functions and consolidate all that information into a visual product.

“Students don’t just learn information. They apply and explain it using new skills. They become experts in these concepts. I’ve had students find errors in textbooks and educational materials because the information provided didn’t match their observations. It’s an incredible learning tool.” Over the semester, students build a portfolio of their work on a diversity of organisms and biological concepts.

Visit the iPearl Immersion Theater for an exhibit of student illustrations from the Spring 2016 class.


Monday, July 25, 2016 to Sunday, July 31, 2016


iPearl Immersion Theater, James B. Hunt Jr. Library

Other Information

For more information on Biological Illustration (Bio 227) visit the course website.


Free admission, open to the public.


  • Staff profile photo
    Walt Gurley
    Former Data Visualization Analyst