Dr. Walter Jackson, Red, White, & Black Walking Tours

In Memoriam

March 21, 1950-February 20, 2015

The NCSU Libraries remembers and honors the contribution of Dr. Walter Jackson to the Red, White & Black project. The Red, White & Black (RWB) project is an innovative approach to engagement that fosters the use of library resources, enhances educational goals, and provides opportunities for innovative partnerships. It is a collaboration between the NCSU Libraries, the African American Cultural Center, and the Department of History at NC State.

Initially conceived as a human-guided walking tour about African-American history at NC State, also available as a self-guided mobile tour, the RWB gives participants the chance to explore spaces on campus that have had significant impact on the lives of African-American students, faculty, alumni, and administrators.

Walter Jackson Red White and Black Tour NCSU Library

The bi-annual walking tours began in April 2011, and were led by Dr. Walter Jackson of the Department of History and Ms. Toni Harris Thorpe of the African American Cultural Center. Dr. Jackson extensively researched and prepared his portion of the tour, providing historical context including Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896; to the campaign of "Massive Resistance" in the 1950s; to the case at the University of Alabama of Autherine Lucy, who, after attempting to integrate the University, was expelled by the board of trustees "for her own safety" in 1956. Dr. Jackson also explored the experiences of African American students at NC State, from the integration of the campus in 1956 with the first four African-American undergraduates (Manuel Crockett, Edward Carson, Walter Holmes, and Irwin Holmes) to the integration of African American students into NC State's collegiate sports, to the activities of DARE (Direct Action for Racial Equality) -- an NC State student activist group led by Jim Lee in the 1960s. One of Dr. Jackson's favorite stories to tell was of the former restaurant and bar The Jolly Knave (now the site of Hillsborough Street restaurant Mitch's), which was picketed by DARE students who received blatantly racist treatment and subsequently went out of business.

Walter Jackson with NC State Student | Red White and Black tour

The walk, which was always led by Dr. Jackson and Ms. Thorpe, has occurred every fall and spring semester since 2011 and has been enjoyed by hundreds of participants, including students, alumni, faculty and administrators.

Walter Jackson | Red White and Black tour at D. H. Hill Jr. Library

We are deeply saddened by the loss of Dr. Walter Jackson, who brought his engaged and thoughtful scholarship and research to the Red, White & Black walk. For more information about his life and legacy of scholarship please read his obituary from the News & Record.