Dictionary of medieval Latin from British sources

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The Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources (DMLBS) is the most comprehensive dictionary of Medieval Latin to have been produced and the first ever to focus on British Medieval Latin. Covering a particularly long period stretching from Gildas (fl. 540) to William Camden (1600), it is wholly based on original research, that is to say on the close reading of thousands of Medieval Latin texts, both literary and documentary. This has been carried out specifically for the purpose of recording their distinctive lexical characteristics, and, as far as possible, using the best available sources, whether original manuscripts or modern critical editions. It is also based on systematic searches within computer databases, including the Library of Latin Texts (LLT-A and LLT-B), where many of the texts can be found that make up the sources for the DMLBS.

This database is recommended for research in these disciplines:

Languages and Linguistics