Albert Reid Lambert

Albert Reid Lambert, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Lambert, was born in Greensboro, N.C. on November 8, 1914. He attended Greensboro public schools and graduated from Senior High School in 1933. He entered Brevard Methodist College in 1934 and attended that year and part of 1935.

After attending Brevardm he worked for more than a year before entering N.C. State College in Raleigh. He studied at State for three years and graduated on June 5, 1939 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Textile Manufacturing.

After graduation he went to work for Burlington Mills at Burlington, N.C., remaining there for two years before enlisting in the Army Air Force in August of 1941. He was a member of the 329th Squadron and 93rd Bomb Group as a Radio Operator on a B-24. He attended radio school at Scott Field and graduated as a radio operator on April 2, 1942. After graduation he was sent to Barksdale Field in Shreveport, La., then to Fort Myers, Florida, and later to Grenier Field, Manchester, New Hampshire

On September 7, 1942, he landed at Altenbury Field, England, which was home base for some time. While there he was promoted to Technical Sergeant. He and the crew of his B-24 made several successful missions over enemy territory. They had the misfortune to lose two planes, but no one was hurt either time. They were preparing for another mission on May 27, 1943 when the plane caught on fire and was destroyed. The following day Ried Lambert and another one of the group died in a hospital in England. He was buried at Brookwood Cemetery, Surrey, England, in June 1943. His body was later returned to Greensboro, and a burial was made at Guilford Memorial Park.

He was awarded the Air Medal posthumously.

(Source: School of Textiles, North Carolina State College. 1954. The Dedication of the Textile School Library at North Carolina State College of the Consolidated University of North Carolina, Raleigh, May 28, 1954. NCSU Archives.)

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