Other Readability Resources

Our Readability Widget (currently in the pilot phase) lives on the main Libraries website. If you find this widget useful but wish you could use its features on every website, here are some plugins and other resources you can try. Everything is free unless noted otherwise.

Not every resource has been tested by the Libraries. Before you install anything, make sure you trust it.

Readability Features

  • Read & Write software is available for free to NC State University users. This popular plugin can reformat a webpage to add a warm background, improve the readability of fonts, and more.

Warm Background

Hide Images

Dyslexia-Friendly Fonts

More Resources from the DRO

NC State University's Disability Resource Office provides software, devices, and support to make reading the web and PDFs more accessible.

Have a suggestion for this list? Contact Robin Davis, Chair of the Accessibility Committee.