Copyright Guidelines for Print Reserves

Although fair use ultimately depends on the specific facts surrounding each proposed use, the following guidelines are intended to provide direction for use of the NC State University Libraries Print Reserves.


  • All materials placed on Print Reserves will be at the initiative of faculty for the non-commercial, educational usage of students.
  • Whenever possible, materials to be copied for Print Reserves will be owned by the faculty submitting them or by the library.
  • Longer works, such as complete books, will not be copied for Print Reserves. The library will not reproduce materials to place on Print Reserves without permission if the nature, scope, or extent of copying is judged by the library to exceed the reasonable limits of fair use.
  • Copyright notice will appear on the first page of scanned reserve material to indicate that materials may be covered by copyright law. Appropriate citations or attributions to their sources will be included.
  • At the end of each year, Print Reserves materials belonging to faculty members will be returned to them.

Copyright questions? Open Knowledge Center.