Lewis Clarke Oral Histories | Warren Edwards

Warren Edwards

Interview with Warren Edwards, landscape architect and educator

Interviewer: Yona R. Owens
Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Interview Date: Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A native of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Warren Edwards graduated from North Carolina State College (now University) School of Design (now College) in 1958 in landscape architecture. Between 1956 and 1965, he worked for Fred B. Stresau, O’Neil Ford, Richard Bell, and Lewis Clarke. In 1965, he opened his own practice in Oklahoma City where he was highly successful, especially with his large residential garden designs. His work has been featured in several publications including Southern Architect and Southern Living. In 1986, he won a local chapter American Society of Landscape Architects award. Edwards has been an adjunct instructor or professor for approximately 20 years in the landscape architecture departments at Oklahoma State University and University of Oklahoma.


Interview Audio

Transcript (pdf)

Field Notes (pdf)

Abstract/Tape Log (pdf)